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Full transparancy on production process

allnex is the global leader in Industrial Coating Resins with applications in automotive, packaging, industrial wood and more. allnex has 34 manufacturing facilities in Europe, Americas and Asia Pacific, serving customers in over 100 countries worldwide.

The challenge

One of the main challenges allnex is facing within operations is optimizing the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). This means making more product in the same timeframe and optimizing the  utilization. At the moment a lot of knowledge is in people’s heads and the production process is described and documented mainly on paper.  So, improving efficiency and transparency is required by making data digitally available.

The Solution

To improve the production and planning process, allnex chose Valtimo. A pilot project at the Wiesbaden site was started. Valtimo is used by the production teams to do the fine scheduling of SAP process orders and to create and execute digital batch cards for the production process.

Plan board: With the digital Plan board in Valtimo, the production team can do the fine scheduling of orders they receive from SAP. Each order is divided into process blocks that split up the production process into main steps and multiple user tasks. Based on the actual situation of the batch process the production team can define the exact starting points of each order and manage interdependencies with other blocks. The Plan board shows where each order stands at any specific moment. Color indications help the production team to see if a process block of an order is open, in progress, or done. It also shows if a process block goes too quick or too slow so adjustments can be made. The Plan Board is developed in cooperation with OptaZEN.


Batch cards: The batch card is the step-by-step description of a specific production process. It guides the operators through all necessary activities. For example, when to add certain raw materials, when and how temperature or pressure should be adjusted, and how to act when certain deviations occur. Batch cards further allow for documentation of the completion of these activities and protocolling of details, but also summarize the gathered data on different focus areas like raw materials, samples, process block durations etc. Besides integration with SAP (IT) also an integration with the operational technology (OT) is in place so not all data has to be entered manually. This allows, for example, to prefill protocols with temperature and pressure values that are captured via sensors or with raw material amounts that are captured via flow meters.

The batch card used to be a paper-based system with sometimes over 50 pages. With the introduction of the Valtimo Batch Card Configurator this is now fully digitalized. With the Batch Card Configurator the production team can now create a complete production process with all the required checks and protocols by using a drag and drop interface. Existing batch cards can be re-used and adjusted to assure quality. Furthermore, the collected data from the Plan board and the Batch Cards can be used for data analysis to optimize the processes.


The result

Currently the system is operational at the pilot site. The tool is well accepted by the production team and offers a great user experience. The fine scheduling with the Plan Board is a game changer for the allnex production process. The newly gained transparency on the current production status across different functions offers a huge value add. The digital batch cards make it easier and less time consuming to define and re-use batch processes and the data that is collected by the system will be used for data analysis to improve the asset effectiveness. The next step is to roll out the solution to other allnex sites worldwide to reach the goal to produce one batch extra per month per site.

We want to make more product within the same timeframe with the given assets that we have. To reach that we need to have all the data digital.

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Moyne Roberts

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Moyne Roberts

Automation of order and maintenance processes for fire protection

Moyne Roberts Group is a major European manufacturer and distributor of fire protection equipment. Moyne Roberts currently operates in five countries, including the Netherlands where it is represented by Smeba Brandbeveiliging.

The request

Moyne Roberts supplies fire protection equipment for the business market. In addition, their engineers maintain and inspect the delivered equipment on location. Until recently, this maintenance process was based on a partially paper-based administration and Excel. There are between 50 and 200 engineers active in each country, which caused a lot of paperwork, errors in the process and very high overhead costs.

The solution

With the implementation of Valtimo, Ritense’s Business Process Automation platform, the maintenance process has been completely digitized. By introducing standard, automated and secured BPMN processes, there is less chance of errors and lead times are controlled. By linking Valtimo with other Moyne Roberts systems, there is less administrative stress.

The main processes in this solution are:

  • Order processing: customer orders for all products and services are processed automatically.
  • Support: the tasks of Moyne Roberts engineers on site are plotted and monitored by Valtimo. By linking to the mobile engineers app, they can immediately process and complete the work performed.
  • Invoicing: each site visit results in an invoice, automatically and quickly. The link to Exact has greatly reduced the number of manual operations.

The result

With Valtimo, Moyne Roberts has a scalable, secure and future-proof solution for their maintenance process. The maintenance process delivers higher customer satisfaction as a result of fewer errors and lower costs due to lower overhead. Moreover, the provision of information to the parties involved has been greatly improved. The platform is successfully active in several countries.

Customer benefits

  • Cost savings in administration and order processing.
  • Significantly fewer errors are made in order processing, which increases the quality of the maintenance process.
  • There is much more insight into the progress and status of the entire maintenance process.

With Valtimo, Moyne Roberts has a scalable, secure and future-proof solution for their maintenance process.

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A Dutch occupational health and safety service and TNO

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A large Dutch occupational health and safety service and TNO


Prevention is better than cure. This adage has been on the rise in medicine in recent years. More and more is known about lifestyle diseases: diseases that occur more often in people with a certain way of life. Lifestyle medicine prevents rather than cures by changing dietary patterns and ensuring adequate exercise, more sleep, and less stress.

The request

A large Dutch occupational health and safety service wants to advise their clients on health gains that can be achieved.  To do this, they work together with scientists from the TNO Healthy Living program. They developed a model for calculating possible health gains. Based on hundreds of variables from questionnaires, blood and hair tests and interviews with occupational health physicians, they calculated where possible opportunities lie for improving future health. This allows knowledge from scientific research to be applied in the field.

The challenge was to make the calculations of the health gains available in real time to the occupational health and safety physicians and the clients to make sure good advice could be given quickly.

The Solution

Ritense developed software that automated TNO’s calculations and decision trees. This software converted the TNO models to decision tables in the open standard DMN 1.2. after which they were managed in Valtimo. This made it possible to automatically update changes in the TNO models and to provide the decision models to the occupational health and safety organization in real time. In this way, all available variables could be processed into a scientifically proven recommendation based on the latest TNO models in one second.

The model consisted of more than 180 tables, making it, as far as we know, the largest DMN decision model in the Netherlands.

The result

The collaboration with the occupational health and safety service, their application developer and TNO resulted in a platform that is unique in the Netherlands. Using the DMN decision model, occupational health and safety physicians are now able to provide their clients with scientifically proven advice. This provides insight into their health based on a peer comparison. It provides insight into the years that can be gained and tries to stimulate users to make improvements in their lifestyle. The ultimate goal is a larger number of healthy working years.

Customer Benefits

  • Occupational health physicians can immediately provide scientifically proven advice.
  • It stimulates users, in a positive way, to make improvements in their lifestyle.
  • Calculated health gains are made available to occupational health physicians in real time.

The model consisted of more than 180 tables, making it the largest DMN decision model in the Netherlands.

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Municipality of The Hague

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Municipality of The Hague


The request

Like many municipalities, the Municipality of The Hague is facing the challenge of modernizing their ICT environment and digitizing their citizen services. The Social Affairs and Employment Projects (SAEP) department wanted to gain experience with digital customer interaction and case-oriented working using a Proof of Concept. In addition, the municipality wanted to investigate whether a case-oriented process could be set up for SAEP using the open-source components available within Common Ground.

The three components of case-oriented working that the municipality wanted to investigate were:

  • Request by a resident using an online form
  • Handling of the request by an employee
  • Tracking of the request by the resident (including customer interaction)

The solution

To achieve this, the Municipality of The Hague organized a “field lab” in which the three functionalities mentioned above had to be realized in a test environment in a one-week period. During this field lab, there was close cooperation with the team of Mijn DenHaag (customer portal), Maykin Media and the SAEP department.

Ritense was asked to deliver the following:

  • Digital form for a citizen request
  • Implementation of a generic case handling system (GZAC)
  • Modeling of the necessary SAEP processes

Ritense used their process platform Valtimo to create the required digital form and to implement the case-handling system. SAEP employees could see submitted requests directly in their work inventory and deal with them. It was also possible to have customer interactions directly from the application. The status of the request could be retrieved digitally at any time by both the resident and the employee. The processes were modeled in Camunda and handled and managed in Valtimo. This made it possible to automate a number of process steps, such as the generation of PDFs and the automatic sending of e-mails to citizens. By extensively linking Valtimo with the OpenZaak APIs, the creation, retrieval and updating of the case status was also automated. This met the basic principles of case-oriented work and the five-layer architecture of the Common Ground.

The result

The PoC was completed successfully. The predetermined objectives were achieved and, equally important, the employees of the SAEP department were very enthusiastic and saw the benefits immediately. “We were curious whether it would be possible to give a citizen access to his case through ‘Mijn DenHaag’ and to interact with us. The PoC showed that this is possible. This puts the citizen in control and keeps us up to date”, one of the employees said. There was also a great deal of enthusiasm for the integrated customer view that resulted from going through the process.

We were curious whether it would be possible to give a citizen access to his case through ‘Mijn DenHaag’ and to interact with us. The PoC showed that this is possible.

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Operational optimization

In 2016, (part of retail giant Ahold Delhaize) was the first Dutch online shop to achieve sales of over one billion euros. The online shop welcomes over 30 million visitors per month.

The request started offering advertising opportunities on the platform in 2016, and created the Retail Media Group for this purpose.  This division offers more than 30 forms of advertising, often highly personalized. Managing the process from request, execution, reporting to invoicing is complex due to the multitude of specialists and systems involved.

Ritense was asked to achieve three goals with the help of Valtimo:

  • Error-free and controlled execution of campaigns: the controlled processing of an application from start to finish, thereby contributing to SOX compliance.
  • Make it scalable: ensuring that sales can grow without having the number of staff grow along with it.
  • Provide insight: automated insight into the course of campaigns so that learning and improvement can take place.

The solution

Ritense implemented a first version of Valtimo within eight weeks. The process platform took care of the digital management of the operational process, from order to invoice.

The result

The platform provides automated task distribution within the organization. It enables to ensure that requests are handled within the set timelines, and no information is lost in communication between those involved. This has reduced the number of errors and shortened turnaround times.

Customer benefits

  • A correct administration, from request to invoice.
  • The status of orders is secured in Valtimo instead of in the mailboxes of individual employees.
  • Automatic registration of performed tasks: quality assurance.
  • Short lead times.
  • To measure is to know: lead times per task, process and employee are transparent.
  • The Retail Media Group are doing their bit for SOX compliance.

The platform provides automated task distribution within the organization.

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Grip on suppliers

McDonald’s is the largest chain of hamburger and fast food restaurants in the world. There are 252 McDonald’s restaurants in the Netherlands, of which 159 are McDrives and 93 are city businesses. Approximately 17,000 employees work at McDonald’s in the Netherlands.

The request

Every year, McDonald’s builds or renovates branches to stay optimally aligned with customer needs. Controlling the costs of these projects is challenging. For each project, dozens of quotations are requested, contract variations are carried out, and hundreds of invoices are processed. McDonald’s asked us to digitize this process.

The solution

With the Valtimo process platform, McDonald’s has optimal control over the construction budget. It gives real-time insight into project spending, expected invoices, projections, and contract variations. The extensive reports enable McDonald’s to identify budget deviations in time and to steer projects accordingly.

The building coordinators are often on the road. Therefore, the system has been made suitable for tablets to allow the building coordinators to access current data on location, for example, during project meetings.

For a listed company, it is of great importance that financial flows are controllable. Valtimo is equipped with checks and balances, such as authorization by management for expenditures above certain limits, which can be given via mobile devices. Invoices from suppliers are only accepted if they have an order number that matches the authorized budget. Without authorization, “unforeseen” budget overruns are not possible.

The result

In the long term, the platform provides analyses of the performance of suppliers. For example, it becomes possible to detect when suppliers are bidding low, and compensating for this during projects with a high percentage of additional work, making the collaboration more expensive in the long run than it appeared at the time of the tender. Because of these analyses, the ROI for this platform is estimated to be less than one year.

Customer benefits

  • Optimal control over the construction budget
  • The process platform is available to construction coordinators and supervisors on the move
  • Analysis of the performance of suppliers results in cost reduction
  • To measure is to know: lead times per task, process and employee are transparent.

With the Valtimo process platform, McDonald’s has optimal control over the construction budget

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